AluMATTER e-learning tool wins EU award
The Engineering Network Ltd
Posted to News on 29th Apr 2007, 18:54

AluMATTER e-learning tool wins EU award

The European aluminium industry's interactive e-learning tool aluMATTER has won its second award in six months. The bronze medal for an outstanding project promoting and supporting the LifeLong Learning EU policy was presented to Jrgen Hirsch, Chairman of the EAA Education & Technology Committee and Christian Leroy, EAA Education, Technology & LCA Manager. Presenting the award on behalf of the German Presidency were Mrs Schavan, German Minister of Education and Research, and Mr Jan Figel, Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth.

AluMATTER e-learning tool wins EU award

Approximately 100 EU-funded projects, from various educational programmes, deemed to have successfully promoted LifeLong Learning policies between 2000 and 2006, received awards in various categories. AluMATTER was one of the only three Leonardo da Vinci projects to receive an award.

In December 2006 aluMATTER received one of only ten awards for Best Practices supporting European co-operation in Vocational Education and Training (VET). The awards were for projects supported under the Leonardo da Vinci programme. Ten projects, out of a total of around 2000, received the award for having successfully promoted the European goals at grassroots level, three of which were awarded in the category 'sectoral co-operation', which included aluMATTER.


AluMATTER, which is co-ordinated by the European Aluminium Association (EAA), is a partnership programme on aluminium science and technology. It is a high-quality, interactive, pedagogically sound, innovative and freely accessible e-learning tool. The portal has nine modules available for students and professionals alike, dealing with: Strengthening Mechanisms, Softening Mechanisms, Anisotropy, Surface & Physical Properties, Mechanical Properties, Machining Technology, Joining Technology, Forming Technology, Corrosion Control.

Visit the AluMATTER website at


Twenty AluMATTER partners from the aluminium industry, technical centres or universities contributed to the development of the last six modules: the European Aluminium Association, Aluminium Centre Belgium, Remi Claeys Aluminium (member of Sapa group), Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Dept Metallurgy, Electrochemistry and Materials Science, GDA - Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie (DE), RWTH - Institut fur Metallkunde und Metallphysik, University of Stuttgart - Institut fr Umformtechnik (IFU), University of Paderborn - Laboratory of material and joining technology (LWF), SLV Duisburg (Schweisstechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt), Hydro Aluminium, CETIM (centre technique des industries Mecaniques), GLFA - Groupement des lamineurs et fileurs d'aluminium, Aluminium Centrum (NL), Corus, Alucluster (DK), Alcan, Cambridge University - Engineering Dept., University of Manchester - Materials Centre, MATTER Project - University of Liverpool, Alcoa.

European Aluminium Association (EAA)

Avenue de Broqueville, 12
BE - 1150 BRUSS

+32 2 775 63 45

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