Parmeko has recently taken delivery of a bespoke force testing system to perform product quality control assessments. The company designs and manufactures proportional solenoids, on-off solenoids and holding magnets used in mobile and industrial fluid power applications, as well as a range of specialised solenoids for industries as diverse as mining and subsea.
A customised testing system was required for one particular solenoid product of which Parmeko produces 1000 units per week. The management at upholds rigorous quality control principles and therefore wanted to test the force exertion and stroke of every unit before it left the factory, to ensure that each performs to the design specifications.
Mecmesin worked closely with Parmeko to develop a bespoke system comprising a horizontally mounted MultiTest 2.5-i computer-controlled test system, fitted with a 100N loadcell. Alignment through the central axis of the solenoid and the loadcell is critical in the successful execution of this test, so Mecmesin created a custom-engineered rig to correctly position the solenoid.
Parmeko had in the past performed such tests on a manually operated system, and found that the fully automated test cycle of Mecmesin's MultiTest 2.5-i made the process far easier for its workers to operate, and it eliminated variability of results arising from manually driving the loadcell forward.
Andrew Reece, Design and Development Engineer at Parmeko, says: "We have used Mecmesin products for a number of years, and they have proved very reliable. As such, Mecmesin was the natural choice when it came to buying new force testing equipment."
Mecmesin Force & Torque Test Solutions
Newton House
Spring Copse Business Park
RH13 0SZ
+44 (0)1403 799979