Hospital beds, home care beds, examination beds, patient lifting and handling systems - they all require height or backrest adjustment that is simple to function, is built to last and demands minimum effort from the operator. Camloc Motion Control Limited is launching the Camloc Hydraulic Lift, a product that fulfils the needs of both the design engineers creating these beds and systems, and importantly the thousands of medical staff and carers using them every day.
The Camloc Hydraulic Lift is a hydro-mechanical device for height adjustment. Easy to install and maintenance free, each Hydraulic Lift is fitted with a foot pedal which needs to be depressed several times until it reaches the required height, and simply lifted upwards for a smooth, jolt-free compression downwards.
Camloc's Engineering Manager, Matt Warne explains: "The real advantage of the Hydraulic Lift for both design engineers and end-users is its simplicity. It's easy to fit, doesn't need a power supply, and being a Camloc product has been tested to the highest level - ensuring it can be used in an environment where the ambient temperature is between -10 degrees C to +70 degrees C."
Produced in a wide range of sizes enabling a lifting force of up to 900kg and creating fast or slow lifting features, this versatile Hydraulic Lift is suitable for a variety of applications and is already generating interest from those who recognise and trust the quality of the Camloc brand.
Find more information on the Camloc Hydraulic Lift and the full range of Camloc Gas Springs and Dampers at