Checker 252 vision sensor verifies height, width and diameter
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Checker 252 vision sensor verifies height, width and diameter

Cognex Corporation, one of the leading suppliers of machine vision systems and vision sensors, is expanding its Checker vision sensor product line with the Checker 252 model. The 252 includes all inspection capabilities of the award-winning Checker vision sensor family, plus additional software sensors that verify height, width and diameter to deliver reliable pass/fail results on high-speed production lines.

Checker 252 vision sensor verifies height, width and diameter

Key to the simplicity of the Checker 252 is its One-Click set-up. By simply clicking on the centre of the part feature to be inspected, an image of a familiar calliper appears and locks onto the edges of the part feature, sets the minimum and maximum thresholds, and learns edge polarity - all automatically.

Pascal Dorster, Vision Sensors Business Unit Manager, says: "With its unique screen calliper, the Checker 252 makes pass/fail measurement verification simple and reliable. Manufacturers in many industries, such as automotive and packaging, can now verify dimensions of parts with very low-contrast edges and solve a wide range of measurement verification tasks not possible with photoelectric sensors."

As with other Checker models, the 252 is available with the Cognex SensorView 350, a compact, industrial panel-mount display. For more information, go to

Cognex UK Ltd

Central Boulevard
Blythe Valley Business Park
B90 8AG

+44 121 2965163

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