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Pilz Automation Technology

Pilz Automation Technology

Pilz House
Little Colliers Field
NN18 8TJ
Pilz Automation Technology

Pilz - Safe Integrated Automation

Pilz Automation Technology* is a world-leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of machinery safety products and systems. A wide variety of independent consulting and engineering services are offered, and the company also provides a number of training courses focusing on compliance with regulations and standards, plus further courses relating to its own products and systems.

Follow Pilz Automation Technology on LinkedIn and Twitter (@Pilz_uk).

View more information about key products and services from Pilz via the links below.

PNOZ safety relays

PNOZsigma safety relays

PNOZelog safety relays


PNOZmulti - three generations of configurable safety controllers and systems

PNOZmulti Mini safety controllers

PNOZmulti configurable safety system

PNOZmulti2 future-proof configurable safety system

PDP - decentralised IP67 I/O modules

PNOZmulti configurator software


PSS Universal - automation and safety working together

PSS 4000 safety PLC

PSSu - Universal safe I/O system

PAS4000 software

SafetyNETp - safe network for PSS 4000


PSEN - Pilz safety sensors

PSENopt - safety light curtains

PSENcs - coded RFID non-contact interlocks

PSENsgate2 - integrated safety gate monitoring

PSENslock - gate monitoring and interlock


PAScal: PL and SIL functional safety calculator

PAScal safety calculator


Machinery safety services

Machinery safety training

Product training

Webinars and workshops

Consulting services


* Pilz Automation Technology is the UK daughter company of Pilz GmbH & Co KG, a family-owned German company with global operations.


Pilz Automation Technology