Compliance Risk Software simplifies CE marking of machinery
The Engineering Network Ltd
Posted to News on 4th Jan 2017, 09:42

Compliance Risk Software simplifies CE marking of machinery

DD IT Solutions is launching Compliance Risk Software that simplifies machinery safety compliance. Based on detailed checklists, the software helps users assess and record machinery safety issues in compliance with European standards and regulations.

Compliance Risk Software simplifies CE marking of machinery

Compliance Risk Software can be used by any competent machine designers, control system designers, safety professionals, consultants and machinery end users. It supports preparation of the Technical File and CE Marking in accordance with the requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, as well as CE audits, machinery risk assessments and EN ISO 13849 Control Integrity Assessments. Soon, the software will also be suitable for PUWER inspections in lien with the requirements of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations. Compliance Risk Software is available to purchase or a 30-day demonstration version can be downloaded free of charge.

Within the software, users organise their work as projects, with each project relating to one machine or an assembly of machines. As well as entering the technical details about each machine, users can upload photographs. If the relevant option is selected, the photographs are included on the reports generated by the software.


User-friendly checklists are used throughout the software; even the most complex requirements of a standard or regulation are broken down into clear statements with which the user must agree, disagree or dismiss as 'not applicable'. Where 'disagree' is selected, the user is prompted to conduct a risk assessment. If "agree' is selected, there is an option to add a comment or photograph to demonstrate why compliance is being claimed.

Where EN ISO 12100 compliant risk assessments are required, these can be conducted within Compliance Risk Software, using a Hazard Rating Number (HRN) approach to identify the severity of the risk. For each risk, the user simply selects the phrase that matches the 'Likelihood of Occurrence', 'Degree of Possible Harm', 'Frequency of Exposure' and 'Number of People Exposed'; an HRN is then calculated automatically, enabling an estimation of the risk to be made. If control measures are necessary to reduce the risk, an HRN can be calculated before and after the measure has been applied, with accompanying photographs uploaded if desired.

When using Compliance Risk Software to support CE marking to the Machinery Directive, the checklists relate directly to the Essential Health and Safety Requirements (EHSRs) in Annex I. Applicable harmonised standards (EN standards) can be linked to the checklist, and these are referenced automatically when the Declaration of Conformity or Declaration of Incorporation is prepared.

CE Audits

The CE Audit checklist helps a buyer or importer of machinery check that CE marking has been conducted correctly. CE Audit reports can be printed to accompany existing documentation - for example, to show due diligence as required by other legislation such as the Use of Work Equipment Directive (enacted in the UK as the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998, often abbreviated to PUWER).

Another feature within COMPLIANCE Risk Software enables EN ISO 13849 Control Integrity Assessments to be carried out (note that a separate validation must be carried out).

Upon completion of a checklist, when the requirements of the appropriate regulation have been addressed, the software then allows a Declaration of Conformity (DoC) or a Declaration of Incorporation (DoI) to be produced as appropriate. In addition, the software prompts the user to enter information required, according to the Machinery Directive, and will list any standards that were linked to the checklist. For the Declaration of Incorporation, the software automatically lists applicable EHSRs and excludes those marked Not Applicable.

Powerful reporting

When printing reports, whether for entire projects or individual machines, users have control over the level of detail that is included. Other options for reporting include, for example, a report showing all the standards referenced when completing a checklist, or a report showing the EN ISO 13849 assessments that are linked to a particular machine. The DoC or DoI are also produced from within the powerful and versatile reporting tool. Company logos can easily be imported for printing on reports.

Compliance Risk Software has been designed and developed by engineers with a wealth of experience of machinery safety obtained from a broad spectrum of industrial sectors. Not only do the engineers have an in-depth understanding of the relevant standards and regulations, but they also have first-hand knowledge of 'real world' machines, CE Marking, Risk Assessment and the requirements of the Machinery Directive.

Follow the link to download the free 30-day demonstration version of the Compliance Risk Software or to contact the developers with any questions.

DD IT Solutions Ltd

Thomas Wright Way
TS21 3FD

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