CRP reports success at RM conference
The Engineering Network Ltd
Posted to News on 24th Jul 2007, 19:17

CRP reports success at RM conference

On 11/12 July 2007, the 2nd International Conference on Rapid Manufacturing took place at Holywell Park, Loughborough University (UK). The Sir Dennis Rooke Conference Centre hosted this year's conference that also included an exhibition of metallic and polymeric RM machine manufacturing companies, material suppliers and RM service organisations that ran over the duration of the conference.

CRP reports success at RM conference

CRP Technology had the chance to exhibit some interesting components in collaboration with Amber Composites, a leading supplier and manufacturer to the composites, tooling and adhesives market and, since mid-2006, the official distributor of Windform to the UK market, providing both materials and the technical support required to produce parts for RP & RM applications.

The two companies also sponsored the Conference Dinner on Wednesday 11 July and it was a great opportunity to meet guests and speakers and have a good time together. The dinner took place at the National Space Centre at Leceister.

Gabriele Tredozi, Special Projects Senior Technical Director of CRP Racing (the new company born from CRP Technology's experience in motorsport engineering) delivered a paper on Thursday morning, during the session about 'Materials development for RM'. The title of the Case Study was 'Turning point in the creation of racing engines: structural parts made by laser sintering' and Mr Tredozi explained how Ilmor and CRP Technology are implementing RM in four-stroke MotoGP engine development. Besides the numerous non-structural parts made by selective laser sintering that can be found in the Ilmor engine, the 2007 innovation project is a real turning point in the creation of racing engine.

Camshaft cover

Everyone at the conference was interested to hear about the new challenge of the camshaft cover for the newest Ilmor engine, a structural part that supports the camshaft bearings (19,000rpm) and that is directly applied on the four-stroke 800cc engine head, whose average working temperature is about 130-140degC. This project aims to improve the lightness of the engine head cover and the reliability, as well as enabling faster modifications and production - so that some features can even be changed mid-season.

The full paper of the case study is already online on CRP Technology's website and Windform's website

In addition, useful information about the people and the presentations can be found at

CRP Technology

Via Cesare della Chiesa, 21

+39 05 908 21135

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