Custom machines for punching, pressing and clinching
The Engineering Network Ltd
Posted to News on 6th Oct 2017, 13:19

Custom machines for punching, pressing and clinching

BTM (UK) Automation Products is promoting its capability for designing and manufacturing custom machines for punching, pressing and clinching. The BTM Special Machine Division has extensive experience in producing machines to suit customers' requirements, serving the automotive and general manufacturing industries.

Custom machines for punching, pressing and clinching

BTM has produced a brochure for its Special Machine Division, outlining its capabilities. This brochure is illustrated with examples of machines it has produced previously, including:

  • A machine to pierce holes and insert Spac-Nuts
  • A double hydraulic press with transfer system to assemble sheet metal components with 65 Tog-L-Loc joints
  • Semi-automated assembly of four sheet metal components using Tog-L-Loc joints, plus hole piercing
  • Automated assembly cell with indexing table to move components between Tog-L-Loc and in-line piercing stations
  • Automated assembly cell with indexing table to move components between Tog-L-Loc and welding stations
  • Machines for piercing, notching and forming tabs
  • Machine for piercing truck and SUV chassis (with automatic changeover)
  • Machine for fastening automotive airbag assemblies (both left-hand and right-hand) using Lance-N-Loc sheet metal joining system
  • Dimp-L-Matic fully adjustable machine for adding dimples to sheet metal parts so they stack evenly
  • Automated cell for dispensing, feeding and inserting Spac-Nuts into an engine cradle

Follow the link to find out more abotu BTM's products and services or to request a copy of the BTM Special Machine Division brochure:

BTM (UK) Automation Products Ltd

Unit 11B, Sand Road Industrial Estate
Great Gransden
SG19 3AH

+44 (0)1767 677001

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The Engineering Network Ltd