DILAS galvo scanner features integrated pyrometer
The Engineering Network Ltd
Posted to News on 8th Jan 2009, 11:51

DILAS galvo scanner features integrated pyrometer

DILAS manufactures high-power semiconductor lasers and components, which are now marketed via the Rofin network. A recent product offering from DILAS, unveiled at the recent Fakuma exhibition in Germany, is a galvo scanner with an integrated pyrometer that can be used with the DILAS Compact series product range.

DILAS galvo scanner features integrated pyrometer

The Compact series is a range of air- or water-cooled, fibre-coupled, high-power diode laser systems with output power up to 500W. The galvo scanner is a fast two-axis beam deflection unit and, when combined with the pyrometer, offers significant benefits in the field of quasi-simultaneous plastics welding. The on-axis single-colour pyrometer enables the temperature of the welding zone to be measured during the scanning process to enable closed-loop temperature control of the production process. The supporting software supplied with the unit captures process data for documentation and quality control purposes.

Available with apertures of 20 or 30mm diameter, the galvo scanner can be used in combination with 200 or 400um fibres and F-Theta optics, keeping the beam spot focused. The beam diameter is 1.4 or 2.8mm, depending upon the fibre diameter used, and the unit provides a working field of 140 x 140mm.

This new DILAS galvo scanner with integrated pyrometer is supplied as a package that includes colour-corrected F-Thetha optics, pyrometer, fibre-coupled collimating unit, a control unit and scanner plus pyrometer software. This new product further complements Rofin's range of laser systems, which includes CO2, YAG, Vanadate and fibre lasers. Rofin also provides products for laser cutting, welding and marking applications.

Rofin-Baasel UK Ltd (Coherent)

Sopwith Way
NN11 8PB

+44 (0)1327 701 100

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