Mettler-Toledo has re-developed its EasyFinder online product selection tool. Four mouse clicks are all it now takes for customers to pinpoint which balances, scales and terminals from the company's offering fit best with their weighing needs, including GWP Recommendation download - the Good Weighing Practice.
1000 balances - four steps - one recommendation: the web-based EasyFinder takes input on customers' weighing needs and expertly narrows down the mass of product choices to a manageable shortlist of balances, scales or even terminals.
Select your Working Environment first, enter your Largest and Smallest Weight (or select readability instead) next and define your Accuracy and you are good to go - it is really that simple. Specifying a few additional selection criteria narrows down the list to models that fit best with the customer's industry and application even further. Side-by-side product comparisons and an attractively presented summary of the EasyFinder search results benefit buyers of weighing instruments with straightforward, fast purchasing decisions. Saving, printing or sharing your results are some other features that might come in handy.
EasyFinder is based on the Good Weighing Practice, a scientific approach to selecting a balance or scale that meets a given set of process requirements. Users of the product selection tool can also download a GWP Recommendation, providing documented evidence that the selected instrument meets metrological, environmental and regulatory requirements, at no charge.
Please follow the link for more information on the new EasyFinder.