Eldon Electric is promoting its make life easier philosophy that helps machine builders and system integrators who use industrial enclosures. As well as supplying high-quality standard and bespoke enclosures and accessories, the company also works alongside its customers to solve design and production problems, reduce costs and increase credibility with end users.
By working with Eldon, machine builders can benefit from enclosures that are easier and quicker to integrate, whatever the application requirements, yet costs remain competitive - particularly when compared with the true cost of modifying standard enclosures in-house. Furthermore, machine builders can deliver systems that more closely match their own customer's requirements.
Eldon uses its extensive knowledge and experience to 'make life easier' for customers, plus it has dedicated software at its disposal. One such example is the company's Thermal Management Tool, which collates data relating to enclosure size and local environmental conditions in order to recommend a choice of temperature/humidity control and monitoring devices such as air conditioners or thermostats. A useful facility for machine builders is Eldon's EPLAN library that avoids the need to convert drawings into EPLAN formats.
In addition to the strong emphasis on design, the make-life-easier philosophy also extends to maintaining high quality standards and on-time deliveries, stocks can be held for customers placing repeat orders, and Eldon can even undertake component assembly if required.
It is also worth noting that many Eldon industrial enclosures are certified for use in a variety of environments by organisations such as Lloyds, Kema, CE, UL and Det Norske Veritas. This can help customers by reducing time-to-market and the costs involved with certification.
Follow the link to find out more about Eldon Electric's make life easier philosophy that has been created to support machine builders and system integrators.