4CM, a consultancy specialising in business-to-business (B2B) marketing, technical PR and digital media, has published a free White Paper that explains how companies can make the best use of social media for marketing themselves.
While it is easy to set up an account on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook or any of the other social media, making the most of the opportunities available requires knowledge and skill. 4CM has prepared the White Paper by drawing on its experience of running social media marketing campaigns for a variety of B2B clients, particularly SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises).
4CM's Social Media White Paper, The social media conundrum, introduces social media, mentions its limitations and some pitfalls to be aware of, and provides some examples of highly successful B2B social media projects.
At the end of the White Paper there are ten top tips for successful B2B social media campaigns.
Follow the link to download a copy of the Free White Paper on Social Media for Business-to-Business marketing (no registration required).