Handheld analyser for CE marking machinery
The Engineering Network Ltd
Posted to News on 8th Nov 2006, 20:11

Handheld analyser for CE marking machinery

The development mantra for Bruel & Kjaer's 2250 handheld Analyser 'easy, safe and clever' has now been applied to reverberation time. A new software package extends Type 2250's powerful functionality with reverberation time analysis.

Handheld analyser for CE marking machinery

Press the Start key, clap your hands - and that is all it takes to perform a basic measurement. The Type 2250's 'traffic light' indicator shows measurement status at a glance, ensuring efficient, delay-free measurements.

Quality 'smiley' indicators help ensure valid measurement and documentation, and in troubleshooting decays. The measurement position bookkeeping utilises the 2250's high-resolution colour display to ease measurement, calculation and reporting, and voice commentaries and notes attached to positions help document the measurements. To review results, the user just scrolls through locations, and deletes or excludes unwanted ones.

Meeting standards and expectations

Reverberation time can be measured using either Impulsive Excitation (Schroeder Method), such as from a pistol or balloon burst, or using Interrupted Noise with either the unit's own internal signal generator or an external one.

For the measurements, a wide range of useful accessories - including power amplifier, sound sources, and wireless transmission kit - are available. And, of course, PC software is available for post-processing and reporting.

The Type 2250 hand-held analyser with reverberation time software is intended for occupational health officers assessing noise levels at workplaces, environmental officers or consultants assessing sound insulation in new or renovated buildings, consultants or acousticians assessing room acoustics in classrooms, auditoria, workspaces and public spaces, and manufacturers or consultants estimating the sound power level for CE-marking of tools or machinery.

Hottinger Bruel & Kjaer UK Ltd

Jarman Way

+44 1223 389876

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