Mettler-Toledo has developed a series of online support tools to help food manufacturers optimise the application of vision technology and calculate payback periods based on real production data.
Intelligent line optimisation enables food manufacturers to make the most of their production assets by securing uptime and reducing rework. Product inspection technologies like vision systems have evolved to support these ambitions: with their role changing from a function of brand protection to a more encompassing one related to productivity and increasing overall equipment effectiveness. Yet however good the technology becomes, it still requires the correct application to derive optimum benefit and the best return on investment (ROI).
Joanna Mooberry, a product inspection specialist with Mettler-Toledo, explains: "As an expert in product inspection technologies, we are constantly seeking new ways in which we can help food manufacturers to derive best value. In the field of vision systems, our new online tools focus on two key areas. Firstly, it's really important for specifiers, plant managers and purchasers to see exactly how and when they can apply vision technology during the production process. Secondly, all interested parties need a clear understanding of the likely return on investment."
Mettler-Toledo's new animated infographic Vision Systems - Increasing operational efficiencies and reducing costs takes the viewer through a typical production process. Tracing the product journey from the start of production to delivery to the retailer, the animation demonstrates how vision systems can be applied at every stage in order to improve efficiencies and reduce costs.
Examples include:
For those manufacturers who are considering investment in a vision system and need to quantify payback, Mettler-Toledo's online ROI calculator is an invaluable tool. By inputting real data about the actual production process that requires improvement, manufacturers and specifiers can work out the likely payback period for their vision system application. Potential payback times for vision systems typically range from 12 to 18 months.
These new online tools are free to access and complement a recently published eGuide by Mettler-Toledo that outlines the major advances in industrial vision inspection systems and their crucial role in the connected factories of the future.
Follow the links to download your free copy of Vision Systems: Improved Production Efficiencies, access the online ROI calculator and for more information about Mettler-Toledo Product Inspection's products and services.