LeddarTech is releasing its LeddarOne Sensing Module, a compact and low-cost alternative that brings valuable sensing intelligence to a whole new range of finished products.
This single-element sensing module is particularly suitable for applications such as level sensing, security and surveillance and proximity detection, just to name a few. The LeddarOne's focused, yet conic beam offers excellent overall range and performance.
Moreover, the module's small form factor, adaptability, easy integration, low power consumption and high accuracy give developers and integrators flexibility to enhance their own branded products, bringing a new dimension to their innovations.
As with all Leddar sensing modules, the LeddarOne comes with dedicated configuration software (LeddarConfigurator) and a development kit (Leddar Enabler SDK) containing libraries and examples. The code can be easily ported to any system, resulting in fast integration of the sensor in the final application.
Sonia B©langer, Vice-President of Sales and Marketing at LeddarTech, says: "The LeddarOne simplifies sensing and integration, thereby facilitating our customers' innovation process, regardless of their final application. And with its low price point, it's a great way to add a lucrative feature to OEM products."
To learn more about the LeddarOne Module, please go to www.leddartech.com.