LeddarTech, owner of the patented Leddar LED-based detection technology, is releasing its Software Development Kit for Linux, further enhancing the ease with which Leddar technology can be integrated into various applications.
This new kit allows Linux developers to interface with Leddar sensors through USB connections, providing them with the all the same functionalities currently offered to Windows developers. Examples of such capabilities include reading/writing sensor configuration parameters, acquiring detections and measurements, starting/stopping/reading data records and much more.
The release of the Software Development Kit means all Leddar modules can now be integrated using Linux (including the Evaluation Kit). The Linux Software Development Kit includes shared objects (.so files) and header files, a demo application with source code, makefile and executable file, as well as API documentation.
In terms of supported Linux distributions, the development kit was tested on Fedora 20 and Ubuntu 13.10 and is available for the x86 Intel family of processors (32-bit and 64-bit). A BeagleBone Black version is also available upon request.
Sonia B©langer, Vice-President of Sales and Marketing at LeddarTech, says: "The release of this new development platform further facilitates the integration of Leddar technology into a wide range of applications, and it will also increase the adoption of our technology. What's more, we see it as yet another way we please customers, make their job easier and maximise the ease of doing business."
To learn more about LeddarTech's Software Development Kit for Linux, please go to www.leddartech.com.