RDP Electronics is promoting its LVDTs for applications that involve continuous or repetitive measurements to be made in the process industries, production environments and destructive testing environments.
The company has an extensive family of LVDTs embracing a range of displacements, as well as miniature versions and types developed for special applications. Used in environments subject to vibration, LVDTs do not suffer from the problems associated with potentiometers (with vibration present, it is not uncommon for small sections of potentiometer wipers to fail prematurely). The spring return LVDTs can be subject to hundreds of thousands of cycles; captive LVDTs are good for millions of cycles, and when correctly installed, unguided LVDTs are claimed to operate indefinitely.
Further information and guidance on specifying LVDTs can be obtained from the RDP engineering support team on +44 (0)1902 457512 or call to request a brochure. Full specifications can be viewed online at www.rdpe.com/uk/men-disp.htm.