Today, leading machine builders recognise that their machines are platforms for continuous value creation. Gradually we are leaving the era of ‘build, sell, and forget’ behind us, giving rise to a new imperative – to prioritise after-sales services. Machine connectivity is the foundation of this new imperative, as the experts at IXON explain.
Looking at the topic in-depth in a new article, IXON explains the crucial role of after-sales for machine builders, and highlights five key reasons why machine builders struggle with machine connectivity.
The article also shows machine builders how to recover their investment in remote access during warranty, and highlights key challenges in tracking ROI for remote access. Further, it examines traditional remote access versus modern machine connectivity.
In addition, IXON, looks at ‘The Service R&D Framework’ for machine builders, and asks machine builders to consider whether or not their current connectivity solution future-proof?