Nutcracker Safety-Net is promoting its range of services, especially those relating to machinery safety. The company believes that most workplace injuries are preventable and an expertly designed and regularly assessed 'safety net' around a machine or process will reduce or even eliminate the possibility of injuries. Major contributors to machine and process safety are optimised standard (ie non-safety) and safe industrial automation, a properly controlled process and fine-tuned instrumentation. When there is only a limited need for human interaction, the risk of injury is reduced significantly (ie safety by design) and a saving on additional risk reduction measures can be achieved. Note that a single point of failure must not lead to an undetected loss of safety or decreased process control.
Nutcracker Safety-Net has in-house expertise resulting from nearly 30 years of experience in standard and safe industrial and process automation.
By partnering with business and industry in Australia, New Zealand and Europe, Nutcracker Safety-Net ensures that its customers' company, machines and processes are compliant with the latest applicable Regulations and safety standards, and up-to-date with safe systems of work. The compliance services achieve results in all directions: for machine importers into Australia and New Zealand; for local businesses in Australia and New Zealand; and for exporters of machines to the European Community (CE Marking).
Services are available in English, German and Dutch.