Units expected to last several more decades more
A user of SMAC Moving Coil Actuators has reached over 2 billion cycles, marking a new record for the devices. The units in question were built over 20 years ago and, while they recently needed some minor maintenance, they are expected to last several more decades.
An SMAC company spokesman is quoted as saying: “There is no way of knowing how long these SMAC actuators will last. We haven’t yet lived that long!”
SMAC ‘Soft-Land’ feature
One of the key reasons for such high cycle life is credited to the patented SMAC ‘Soft-Land’ feature. Soft-Land is a patented unique routine that allows the actuator rod or gripper jaw to land on the surface of a component with a low programmed force.
“It gives extremely accurate sensing of product location or dimensions,” says SMAC. “This is particularly useful for handling delicate or high value components, but a side effect of the Soft-Land routine is that SMAC actuators are less susceptible to wear over time, allowing for remarkably long life.”
Controlled low force approach
The routine consists of a controlled low force approach in velocity mode, while the position error is constantly monitored. Once contact is made, the position error builds up until a pre-programmed figure is reached – resulting in the rod maintaining position on the surface of the component.
Many manufacturers have adopted programmable electric actuators, like SMAC Moving Coil Actuators, for its high speed, high precision and flexible programming, adds the company. SMAC electric actuators have programmable velocity, position and force, and the ability to give feedback on the work being done, while it is done.