Despite ongoing fears and speculation that robots could steal British jobs, new data reveals that the majority of industry professionals (63.3 per cent) have never witnessed job losses as a result of the introduction of robots or automated processes. Furthermore, over a third (36.7 per cent) stated that robots have often resulted in job creation within their place of work.
The research was conducted amongst over 1000 manufacturing professionals and was led by The Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF), a non-profit body for ergonomists and human factors practitioners, in collaboration with CV-Library, the UK's leading independent job site. The study sought to ascertain the true perception and reality of automation and robotics amongst those who experience it first-hand.
Key findings revealed that most professionals (72.6 per cent) feel society is scare-mongered into believing robotics and automation are a negative progression. In addition:
Furthermore, when asked who was responsible for promoting the benefits, respondents pointed the finger towards employers (80 per cent) and technology suppliers (67.8 per cent).
Commenting on the research results, Steve Barraclough, CEO of the CIEHF, says: "Robots and automation are regularly given a bad name. However, whilst automation might remove some mundane and repetitive jobs, it also makes a significant contribution to "upskilling' employees, which is often overlooked.
"Automation requires programmers and maintainers in areas where they may not have been previously necessary. This presents a real opportunity to businesses and manufacturers that are embracing change. It's essential to keep people at the heart of new technology and to "on-board' staff at the earliest opportunity. Human factors plays a significant role in the on-boarding process and is essential to ensuring employees are not resistant to change."
Lee Biggins, founder and managing director of CV-Library, concludes: "These latest findings are good news for the UK's labour market. Skills shortages are an ongoing concern across a number of industries, so it's refreshing to hear that new technologies and processes in the workplace can help to close this gap and support businesses in upskilling their workforce."
For more information on the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors, please see For more information on CV-Library, please see
The Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF)
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LE11 1RG
+44 (0)7736 893350