Rencol Tolerance Rings is celebrating its Silver Jubilee in 2007 with a great online competition for music lovers, a family fun day and a sales partner conference. There is an opportunity to win the latest iPod, which will be supplied pre-loaded with all the number-one singles from 1982 - the year in which Rencol Tolerance Rings was established as an independent company. To win an iPod, readers should visit and follow the instructions for entering the Silver Jubilee competition.
From its origins in the corner of an injection moulding factory that made plastic ball knobs, Rencol has come a long way in a short space of time. Always based in the Bristol area, the company has faced many challenges as it has extended its customer base from local to national to global.
Rencol marked its first joint venture with the USA in 1990, and in 1992 began to sell into Germany. Marking the shift in the global manufacturing economy, the company began selling into Japan in 1994, and in 1998 established a sales office in the country. More recently Rencol Tolerance Rings has sold into Asia with a joint venture in Singapore in 2001, and the sale of hundreds of millions of tolerance rings into China, mostly to support the hard disk drive (HDD) market.
The company has recently established a trading company in China, along with other partners in the Wyko Group, an ERIKS company. This facility is set to capitalise on the huge opportunities for tolerance rings to be cost-effective in the automotive and appliance manufacturing markets.
As well as the iPod competition, Rencol will be holding a family fun day to celebrate its Silver Jubilee. Taking place in the summer, the event will allow the families of those that work at Rencol the chance to see where their partners work, how tolerance rings get made and enjoy some entertainment and refreshment.
However, not all of the celebrations are as light-hearted; Rencol will also be hosting a sales partners conference to mark the event, where companies from around the globe will gather in Bristol to discuss the company's ambitious plans for development.
Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Rencol Ltd
16 Concorde Road
BS34 5TB
+44 (0)117 938 1700